Indian Govt All Online Services Available | 13349 Services Listed If you know a Govt | service, please let us know. -->

Indian Govt All Online Services Available | 13349 Services Listed If you know a Govt | service, please let us know.

 Indian Govt All Online Services Available | 13349 Services Listed  If you know a Govt | service, please let us know.

View Patta & FMB / Chitta / TSLR Extract

Government of Tamil Nadu's Land Records e-Services enable citizens to view Patta & FMB / Chitta / TSLR extracts by specifying District & whether the area is Rural or Urban, based on which, further details may be specified such as Taluk, Village, Survey Number, Sub-Division Number in case of Rural; and Town, Block, Ward, Survey Number, Sub-Division Number in case of Urban Areas

Online Payment of Electricity Bill (for consumers of Tamil Nadu)

Online Payment of Electricity Bill (for consumers of Tamil Nadu)

Tamil Nadu e-Sevai Portal - TNeGA

Various citizen services can be availed from CSC or e-Sevai Centres such as License & Certificate; Franshisee login is also available to enable CSC Franshisees to administer services

Online facility for verification or printing of birth certificate by Corporation of Chennai

Users can avail the online facility for verification or printing of birth certificate by the Corporation of Chennai. Users need to enter details such as date of birth, gender and a verification number displayed on screen. A computer generated certificate can be obtained with a unique registration number for every birth certification.

Apply for New Ration Card in Tamil Nadu

Downloadable application form for new ration card or family card provided by Co-operation, Food and Consumer Protection Department, Tamil Nadu is given. Users can download and fill the form according to their requirement.

Apply online for encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu

Apply online for encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu. You need to provide information such as your name, address, zone, district, SRO, street name, village, house details, appropriate extent, and boundaries to submit the application form online. Help tips are also available to guide the applicants in applying for the certificate.

Apply for Marriage Registration in Tamil Nadu

Users can obtain their Marriage Certificate in Tamil Nadu

Online facility for verfication or printing of birth & death certificate in Chennai, Tamilnadu

Hospital Registration can be made for issuing Birth Certificate in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Verify your registered land records of Tamil Nadu

You can verify your registered land records online, this service is provided by the Tamil Nadu State Government through its e-Services portal. Users need to select the district, Taluk, village and provide the survey number, sub-division and reference number to verify the document.

Application Form for Community Certificate in Tamil Nadu

Apply for the community certificate provided by Revenue Department, Tamil Nadu. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given. Users can download the form and use it further.


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